Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ang Family Values

As we all know, stupid collapsed with bouts of fits and spasms a fortnight ago. The editorial and subscribers alike were immensely pissed off by the technical incompetence of the service provider. Anyway, has finally waken up its idea, and here is the entry that the editorial owed:

Without my blog account, I’ve resorted to typing Sunday, April 10 2005‘s article in Word. Was actually publishing a special edition article, then Blogger decided to eat it up. Bitch.

Till now I’m still waiting for the official reply from SIA scholarship board. Did my follow-up to them via email and asked my SIA scholars friends about the waiting time involved. Seems like my reply is taking an unusually long time to arrive, or am I even gonna receive one? To think of it, my interview was alright, and my tests were fine too. Hmm, what could have gone wrong? Maybe there’s nothing. Then i called them up and realised that the interview exercise has just ended last Friday. A reply will come this week. I was being too impatient. What a laugh i had with the lady that answered my call.

'Sorry,' i said, 'But my friend Haresh - a SIA Scholar said that his reply came within a week. That's why i've called. So sorry to bother you.'

So, no worries. Good thing i've found out anyway.

But something that needs worrying is my family. My folks have not been doing quality communication since we last moved into our current house. My sis is running up against ill images that my parents have of her, and all three are relying on me to communicate for them. I am telling you, that’s some tough work. Each of my folk is headstrong, arrogant at times, yet not well versed in financial literacy, not that I am, but I felt that they ought to know more than me at their current age. I was wrong man.

My folks have dreams, but no actions are taken to build them; so the dreams remain as what they are – empty dreams. My sis has dreams too, too many. There are so many that she appeared fickle-minded, losing focus in life. She is too full of herself at times and she hates good advice, never listening to them unless they are packaged really well, sugarcoated and all. All three have high principles that they will defend blindly, sometimes to their own detriments. I have my principles too, but they all surround my belief that family is paramount to success. Every strong nation in this world is characterized by one common factor – internal harmony. You can be successful in most things in life, but with a family in shambles, living up to the name of success is extremely hard.

Hence, I spent hours everyday, for the last week, just talking and listening to everyone in my family, trying to find out what makes them tick; what contributes to their stereotyping of others and how to turn those impressions around, while opening communication nodes at the same time. It was hard work, but the current state of tripartite Cold War cannot go on. The catch here is – I am the youngest in the family. Trying to make everyone come together and pointing out their mistakes while suggesting solutions are no easy tasks. It is the state when you have 3 superiors whom you are dissatisfied with, yet trying to open them up day in day out. You can jolly well quit your job if your superior is just some high-handed B****, but I can’t quit my family can I?

There are only 4 people in my family, so I should be able to handle them. After all, I’m trained to handle a company of 104 dudes while relating to half a dozen of bosses in the Army


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