Saturday, March 12, 2005

Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

Life is about learning. The day you stop learning is the beginning of the end. No, it is THE END. And it is not just about learning per se, it's about Unlearning what's irrelevant, and Relearning things that will get you there in life.

I attended a fabulous leadership seminar yesterday. It's really amazing how much one can learn in such a short time. Let me share with you an excellent quote, 'It doesn't matter how big or small your steps are, as long as they are in the right direction.' One must work hard, but in the right direction.

Life is about making success happen to yourself, not watching it happen to others; and worse still, wonder how it happened to others at the end of the day. How many times have we lived in quiet desparation - you know that something's missing, you don't know what it is, and you don't know what to do about it. We work hard for the family, yet, that's the one thing that's keeping us away from family. It's a sad fact of life - life's a rat race.

That's why it is necessary to constantly learn. Chances are aplenty in life, but we have to be open to know their presence. Always give something good a try, you never know where it'll lead.
But before that, know your dream in life. Your dream is your own - your soul. No one can steal it away from you unless you choose to sell it away. We might not have time; we might not have money; we might not have status, but we can never live without a vision.

But a vision is void if no actions are taken; no values to guide those steps and no determination to overcome obstacles along the way. And while you are climbing the mountain, give others below you a hand too. Empowering others is about empowering yourself. Imagine yourself as a parent, your kids' success is your joy. That should be the way we treat all those around us. Jealousy is a vicious devil, it can destroy the most capable person. Never doubt the ablities of others and yourself.

When someone ask you, 'Why are you in this? You know nothing about it!'

Say this, 'I know nothing at the start. But i can always start by knowing something.'


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