Sunday, February 13, 2005

Of Dollars and Cents

I sat down this weekend with my parents, talking about what the hell am i going to do in my life. I told them blankly that there are only four things that i can do in life - be an adventurer like Choo Rui Zao; be an entreprenuer and have my own businesses; be an strategist and officer with the SAF or be a financial analyst cum investor. As you could imagine, any 'good' parent will shake his head at at least 3 out of 4 of these 'absurd' ideas. I knew what my dad would say, so i pre-empted him:

'You can tell me about all those iron-bowl jobs that i can take, but i can give you simple reasons about me that will never suit those jobs. Jobs like journalism, teaching, accountancy and what have you will never suit me 'cos i can NEVER sit still. They are simply not exciting nor challenging enough!'

Dad was his usual miser self and rebuked: 'You can easily get bankrupted should you fail!'

Oh, isn't that what we all fear in life: FAILURE. 'Papa, i've lost 4 years of Rugby Finals and failed countless maths and history tests, do you think i give a dim about failure? Bankruptcy is but another failure to learn from. I will succeed for there are tonnes of chances out there papa, you've just got to open your eyes and see!'

Then i dislocated his train of thought: 'Have you ever given a thought to what you want to do in your life; what you're realy good at and the one thing that will complete you as a person before you die?'

He fell dead silent and i knew that i have struck the jackpot, so i went in for the kill.

'The most important thing in life is to know what you are good at and what you want to achieve in life. Know the direction and the destination and you will let no obstacles stop you. I intend to do just that.'

In a vain attempt, dad tried to scare me with stories of bankruptcy, out of goodwill to warn me i suppose. He started with some construction companies that he'd worked for, but that's simply lame talk. I dissected the problems for him and recommended some solutions. But Ah Pa's still Ah Pa after all, he was as stubborn as usual and will not give in. Dinner talk degenerated from then on, but at least both mum and dad had a piece of my mind. Nothing that undramatic [uninspiring to boot] will dissuade me from my goals in life, especially scare tactics. So, sorry dad, i didn't quite grow up to your expectations, but i'm glad that i did grew up to my own. Haha! =P

Then surprisingly, Benedict the RI prefect called to say hi on a bright Saturday afternoon. We latched on to each other's topic really quickly and it was indeed good old buddies talk all over again. I'm glad that he saw the light and realized his goals, well somewhat i guess, enrolling into SMU and rejecting a Singapore Power Scholarship in the process. Good one Ben! But still, he remains uncertain as to what he wants to do with his place in SMU.

We let each other in on some investment talks and i was pleasantly surprised that he knew quite alot about the basics of wealth creation and management! But still, he's not into it yet, knowing very well the benefits that he'll be missing. Oh well, not everyone's like me i guess. I'm too much a risk taker for many people's liking, including my folks.

This year's CNY is such a let down. I'm running a deficit around here man. I gave 550 to my folks, only to get 80 in return! Brrr. And we didn't go visiting too, for my grandad passed away half a year ago and all my relatives rejected my family, especially my mom's side. That is plain bullshit! Why? 'Cos we are suppose to grief for a full year! Absurdity! I think it's the cash that they are trying to save boy. Scheming, scheming, scheming...

Anyway, i was doing a second round of scholarship applications today. I was calculating the costs that i will need in the next 4 years, and it ain't pretty. Only a good scholarship will save my ass now. I might be forced into taking a bank loan for my studies, but i've got it somewhat covered with my investments. Hopefully i can hold out against that option. Sigh, of dollars and cents man, of dollars and cents.


At 6:13 AM, Blogger Me said...

Dear ah ang,

Dont worry k? Im sure u will get a good scholarship, just dont give up on it! I hope our meeting this saturday can somewhat help you in this financial problems. Like you, I'm more or less in the same boat, cept' mine is worse cos my grades suck i cant even hope for a scholarship, nonetheless persevering and trying this amway thingey out, will talk to you more about it soon.



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