Saturday, December 04, 2004

This is my December

It's Summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and Winter in the Northern. My favourite time of the year - DECEMBER! Friends studying overseas are returning, work gets exciting, the holidays arrive, the yearly countdown with my best of friends is looming large. So many events are happening! And i'm turning 21. boo hoo.
So, this year will be the 7th year that the few of us rugby pals are celebrating New Year together. We wanted to make this one a little more special than the years that passed by perhaps staying in the YMCA Hostel. Then maybe go up to the rooftop to have a dip in the pool, and create some havoc around the bbq pit or something. But the chauvinistic caucasian management said, ' NOOO, we're only open to travellers, not locals!' And there goes their S'porean revenue i guess. With hindsight, maybe those caucasian chauvinists are wise fools after all, we could be too rowdy for them to handle.
2005 was a mythical figure when i first entered the army. It was so far away i thought, looking at my Operational Ready Date [ORD], or simply the get out of the army date. Now it is just around the corner, and a year older i've grown. Good, now i can take on my own investment accounts! The local investment age limit has set me back by quite a while now.
Some wise sage said that the only thing that's constant is change. He is incorrect, because there are also alot of other constants in this world... you know, as the mathematical junkies would name for you. But for laymen's sake, he is correct. Come on, give that dude a chance. Changes keep us alive, and so, i think i'm looking forward to another year of change.
Arrgh, why think so much! This is the time to be jolly! This is my December! Cheers!


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