Friday, November 26, 2004

Welcome to Vaga-Bond Weekly Review

The editorial understand the peculiarity of this entry. It has violated the First Law of Vaga-Bond: Dealings are to be made on Sunday ONLY. But, on the launch of Vaga-Bond Weekly Review, i reckoned that we can make an exception.
Firstly, a warm welcome to this unique online service - dedicated to weekly assessments of the local Vaga-Bond activities. What's so good about this service you ask. The editor has this to offer: It's not every day that you get to hunt rats for meals along sewage pipes, and have rubbish for company. So pay a little respect, young PUNK!
Opps, sorry, we will amend that publishing error on the next issue.
The Underworld [colloq] is hardly as palatable a working environment as the movie put it. There are definitely no large dogs fighting and biting Vampies to death. We would have been rich professionals then. But still, the vocation demands highly qualified individuals with a huge pool of on-the-job experiences to guard its clandestine operations. As you will soon realise, dealing with the junks of the human civilisation and engaging in rat-races are no walks in the park.
Lastly, the editorial will like to wish the world a speedy descend into a post nuclear-bionic dystopian era, comparable to that in The Matrix, where full-scale developments for sewage systems can be globalised, and where rat-hunting will be legally approved an an Olympic Centrepiece.
Unfortunately, no-one can be told, what the Underworld is. You have to see it for yourself.


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