Saturday, December 03, 2005

Vagabond Weekly Review ONE Celebration

Pop the champagnes and cut the cake! Vagabond Weekly Review is now ONE year old! Hip-Hip, Hurray!

Understandably, some of the most ardent fans of Vagabond Weekly have been rather disappointed by the lack of articles on the e-magazine over the past month. Therefore, I will like to extend my sincerest apology to all affected readers. The lack of activity at Vagabond Weekly was largely due to my efforts in preparing for my term finals, which have now passed. Not to worry, the papers were not killers. I will also like to thank all readers that stuck with this e-magazine throughout its inactivity. Your support is greatly appreciated.

This holiday season, Vagabond Weekly has lots of exciting features in store for all readers. The magazine will continue to cover the latest happenings in the Vagabond Universe, and to focus on persuasion and influence skills.

In addition, the magazine will, over the new year of publication, include the latest e-news from Singapore’s first student managed investment fund – the Singapore Management University Student Managed Investment Fund (SMU-SMIF). Quite a mouthful name, but nonetheless a name that the public will be hearing rather often (Check the front page of yesterday’s local Business Times). The editorial has joined the above mentioned fund in a bid to make sense of the financial markets, and will be rewarding all ardent readers, like you, with a S1 tip per weekend. So what are S1 tips? Stay tune to find out more.

Furthermore, Vagabond Weekly will be revamping itself. The e-magazine will now be illustrated, and readers can expect interesting pictures and graphics to supplement its interesting articles – a breakaway from its usual solemn format. With so much excitement lined up for you, I am sure you will be interested in book marking this site for future read!


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