Sunday, July 03, 2005

The Start and End of Monday Blues

Well, it's official. I'm officially part of the morning rush hour; an honourable member of the Nine to Five Club.

My attachment has started, that's why.

First day at work and i was brought into the boardroom for the weekly monday meetings at the Singapore Sales and Marketing Department of Singapore Airlines. Being a wide-eyed kid in an unfamiliar office environment so high up in the sky, all i can do is tell myself: "Whoa! So this is how an office looks like." and "Whoa, this is how a boardroom looks like." I have no idea who i'm going to meet. But whoever they are, they are bound to be someone of significance in this department. I was allowed into the conference room and the first familiar face that caught my eyes was this snowy fair lady with a studious pair of spectacles perched on her nose, with her silky hair tied back. She really reminded me of Lum May Yee - the actress who acted in Chicken Rice War with Pierre Png and 12 Storeys, which is directed by Eric Khoo.

I was instantly captivated by her, so much so that i forgot to introduce myself to her and to the 2 gentlemen besides her. I suppose i should have asked for her name to verify my doubt. But I am new here, and if she indeed turns out to be May Yee, i might just go goo-goo ga-ga, which will not set a good first impression around the office. So i quickly sat down and just let the atmosphere soak in. The staff flocked in eventually, and the boss turned up to begin the meeting.

After a round of introduction, we were down to business. The Airlines industry has tonnes of acronyms to facilitate processes and i was utterly confused mid-way through the session. Fortunately that lady that captivated my imagination was sitting on the same side of the table as me, hence i was not distracted away from the presentations slides.

The meeting was over by 10:00, and everyone went out of the conference room to get busy running around doing follow-up actions to issues raised during the meeting. I was called up into the boss's office to have a nice chit-chat about the Airline Industry, and about SIA in particular.

It was during lunch that my wildest expectation came true. That lady is indeed Lum May Yee! Oh my Goodness me! Chill bro, chill. Don't fluster, don't even get excited. Behave as usual. But i really have some questions for her - Is she still acting? Is she a spokesperson for the company while doing sales and marketing? Is she gonna be my colleague? Man, I have to be honest, i'm so very excited by the fact that i'm working alongside an actress that i really admire since the screening of 12 Storeys. That was what? 7 years ago? Man, who would have thought of that? She was so amazing on screen i thought she was in a league of her own; and now she's here with SIA, in my department! Crazy stuff.

But of course i didn't behave like some nutty wide-eyed movie fans of hers, it would have been quite awkward for May Yee. I figured that she wanted to shed her star image by switching over to an office job, so i should not act in a way that would make her feel uncomfortable. Anyhow, i still asked her my first question. It stopped there i supposed, cos she was not too willing to disclose more. No worries, i'll be seeing her regularly now, so more questions can be reserved for later weeks.

Then i found out that her office is not the same as mine - she is based in Paragon in Orchard Road. What a pity! But i'll be seeing her nonetheless on Mondays, which is tomorrow! Yeah. It really feels good to have pretty faces around man, you feel so hyped up all day long. Nothing kinky about it, just that it's a basic human nature. I think Monday blues just went extinct.


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